Monday 27 April 2009

Studies inspired by Gordon Hillman

Gordon Hillman made a lasting impression on archaeobotany, both through his research and publications, and especially through his teaching. The study of hunter-gatherer archaeobotany (especially in Europe and the Near East), the origins of agriculture, and crop-processing (which he pioneered), would not be the same. In a few months a collection of papers in honour of him by former students, colleagues and those inspired by his work (like myself) will be published by Oxbow Books. Information on contents, are below. [This book was published at the end of July 2009 & presented to Gordon on 2 August]

From Foragers to Farmers; papers in honour of Gordon C. Hillman,
edited by Andrew Fairbairn & Ehud Weiss

contents list:
1. Gordon Hillman and the development of archaeobotany at and beyond the London Institute of Archaeology (David R. Harris) 2. Gordon Hillman, Abu Hureyra and the development of agriculture (Andrew M. T. Moore) 3. Gordon Hillman’s pioneering influence on Near Eastern archaeobotany, a personal appraisal (George Willcox)

THEORY AND METHOD 4. On the potential for spring sowing in theancient Near East (Mark A Blumler and Giles J. Waines) 5. Domestication and the dialectic: Archaeobotany and the future of the Neolithic Revolution in the Near East (Joy McCorriston) 6. Agriculture and the development of complex societies: An archaeobotanical agenda (Dorian Q Fuller and Chris J Stevens) 7. Dormancy and the plough: Weed seed biology as an indicator of agrarian change in the first millennium AD (Martin Jones)

ETHNOBOTANY AND EXPERIMENT 8. Wild plant foods: Routine dietary supplements or famine foods? (Füsun Ertug) 9. Acorns as food in southeast Turkey: Implications for prehistoric subsistence in Southwest Asia (Sarah Mason and Mark Nesbitt) 10. Water chestnuts (Trapa natans L.) as controversial plants: Botanical, ethno-historical and archaeological evidence (Ksenija Borojevic) 11. Evidence of domestication in the Old World grain legumes (Ann Butler) 12. Einkorn (Triticum monococcum L.) cultivation in mountain communities of the western Rif (Morocco): An ethnoarchaeological project (Leonor Pena- Chocarro, Lydia Zapata et al.) 13. The importance and antiquity of frikkeh: A simple snack or a socio-economic indicator of decline and prosperity in the ancient Near East? (Amr Al-Azm) 14. The doum palm (Hyphaene thebaica) in South Arabia: Past and present (Dominique de Moulins and Carl Phillips) 15. Harvesting experiments on the clonal helophyte sea club-rush (Bolboschoenus maritimus (L.) Palla): An approach to identifying variables that may have influenced hunter- gatherer resource selection in Late Pleistocene Southwest Asia.(Michele Wollstonecroft) 16. Aspects of the archaeology of the Irish keyhole- shaped corn drying kiln with particular reference to archaeobotanical studies and archaeological experiments (Mick Monk and Ellen Kelleher)

ARCHAEOBOTANY 17. Glimpsing into a hut: Economy and Society of Ohalo II's inhabitants (Ehud Weiss) 18. Reconstruction of local woodland vegetation and use of firewood at two Epipalaeolithic cave sites in southwest Anatolia (Turkey) (Daniele Martinoli) 19. Vegetation and subsistence of the Epipalaeolithic in Dakhleh Oasis, Egypt: Charcoal and macro-remains from Masara sites (Ursula Thanheiser) 20. The uses of Eryngium yuccifolium by Native American people (Maria Scott Standifer et al.) 21. Bananas: Towards a revised prehistory (Jean Kennedy) 22. The advance of agriculture in the coastal zone of East Asia (Elena Sergusheva and Yury Vostretsov) 23. Knossos, Crete: Invaders, “sea goers”, or previously “invisible”, the Neolithic plant economy appears fully-fledged in 9,000 B.P. (Anaya Sarpaki) 24. Reconstructing the ear morphology of ancient small-grain wheat (Triticum turgidum ssp. parvicoccum) (Mordachi Kislev) 25. The Khalub-tree in Mesopotamia: Myth or Reality (Naomi Miller and Alhena Gadotti) 26. The archaeobotany of cotton (Gossypium sp. L) in Egypt and Nubia with special reference to Qasr Ibrim, Egyptian Nubia (Alan Clapham and Peter Rowly -Conwy) 27. Questions of continuity: Fodder and fuel use in Bronze Age Egypt (Mary Anne Murray) 28. Food and culture: the plant foods from Roman and Islamic Quseir, Egypt (Marijke van der Veen, Jacob Morales, Alison Cox)

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